War With Russia, China, USA – Do Not Stop Prepping…

by Braxton Taylor

I do not care about your political orientation—left, right, center, or other—it doesn’t matter in this context. Why? You cannot stop what will unfold in the future. You can shout and protest all you want, but realize that we are all pawns—all of us. Your activism will not change anything. I suggest that you refocus your energies on prepping and preparedness.

I see no realistic way out of this. War. It will turn into World War III. You had better be prepared because your priorities will shift toward needs and survival. It is advisable to consider that it could become horrifically bad…But we can prepare and be proactive in the face of this potential disaster.

There are at least three perilous hot spots for the onset of World War III: Russia (vs. European Union / NATO/USA), China (vs. Taiwan /USA), and, to a lesser extent, Iran (which may draw the superpowers into the fight). In all three instances, we are not only talking about the horrors of conventional war, we’re talking about a probable escalation of devastating weaponry that has been withheld from use so far—nuclear and EMP. The kinetic and psychological impact of its use will topple confidence around the globe.

This will coincide with a terrible financial collapse, potentially severely impacting the global economy. Given today’s instability and the world economic situation drowning in unfathomable debt, financial collapse might come first.

Apart from the use of nuclear weapons and/or EMP weapons, my biggest concern is the collapsing supply chains, particularly from China. As you know, China supplies us with many, and likely the majority of our consumable products. We must take proactive measures to mitigate the risk of supply chain disruption in the event of a conflict with China.

Russia and China have nuclear weapons and EMP weapons. Do you believe that a war with either superpower will remain conventional? Or do you think there might only be one or two of these weapons used? I hope that you don’t believe that… We are facing the potential of decimation to an unimaginable extent. Remember that there are those within the highest levels of power who want a significant population reduction and a global reset. What better way than through a great war? After all, it is the pawn who dies, not the elites in their ivory towers and bunkers who send their pawns to war…

Can the three superpowers get along? Can the USA, China, and Russia avoid tangling directly with each other and thus avoid risking the catastrophic use of nuclear or EMP weapons? This may be the only way to prevent or postpone World War III. However, this would require the right leadership from each, as well as that from lesser powerful nations down the line. The problem is, I don’t see it. I do see that the EU is itching for war with Russia. I also clearly see that China wants Taiwan. There are so many who appear to want war. I don’t know how long this can hold together.

It is a gloomy message that most will ignore. I realize I am in a very tiny niche of prepping and preparedness, a frame of mind that many snicker at. However, it is who I am—a critical-thinking human being not easily swept into the glitz of the mainstream. I recognize threats and analyze their coinciding risks so as to mitigate them to an extent depending on my tolerance thresholds. And this preparedness, this ability to foresee and plan, is a source of reassurance and security. I actually enjoy it. So, I occasionally bring it to you in this blog as food for thought.

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