For five decades, Bob Hope entertained U.S. service members around the world, offering a break from reality through his iconic USO shows. The beloved comedian and actor brought with him a host of musicians, dancers, singers and famous folks, creating unforgettable star-studded spectacles for young men and women far from home.
On stage, Hope interacted with individual service members, sometimes reading letters from home or showing pictures of their brand-new babies to the crowd. Out of the limelight, he made a point to spend time eating, drinking and speaking with regular Joes. As one veteran reminisced: “When [Hope] came, anonymous guys who had no other recognition felt personally remembered.”
We asked our readers to share their stories about Bob Hope, and they responded with treasured memories of Hope and his USO shows. Here are nine of the most memorable tales, as told by veterans. Thanks for your memories.
Some selections have been edited for length and clarity.
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Vietnam, 1969
“Christmas, 1969. [I was] stationed in Dĩ An, South Vietnam as a helicopter pilot with B Trp, 3/17th Air Cavalry. Bob Hope was in Củ Chi that day. I checked and we had a Huey available. I announced to all, ‘If you want to see Bob Hope, come with me.’ We loaded up and flew to Củ Chi, located the stage and did a high overhead approach to the nearest landing site, unloaded and all went to see the show. I wish I had listed the names of those that flew with me over [a half-]century ago.”
— Andy, Army
Hollywood, 1983
“I was assigned to Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center 29 Palms for communications school. One of the many weekends there, we decided to spend the weekend [in Los Angeles on] Hollywood Boulevard. One of our first stops was the USO; we went downstairs to grab some dinner. Bob Hope and his wife, Dolores, served us dinner. There was no news coverage or fanfare. It was just the Hopes being there, serving us dinner and talking with us, as if we were their grandkids. I grew up watching Bob Hope on the big screen and to be in person with this great man, and being entertained by him is one of the greatest memories of my time as a Marine.”
— Bryan, Marine Corps
Vietnam, 1967
“I won a chance to see Bob Hope in Lai Khê in 1967. I was in jungle fatigues and muddy boots, while so many soldiers at the show were in pressed fatigues. I was choppered into the show and immediately had to find the latrine. Always with a camera, I came out of the latrine and I heard an announcement over an awful loudspeaker. I couldn’t make out what they were saying, but because I saw a bunch of guys with cameras around their necks walking up to the front of the stage, I assumed they called the photographers to the front of the stage so they could get some good shots. I got in that line and sat right in the front. At some point, the guy next to me asked how I got my Silver Star. I told him that I never got one, and I was just up here to take some pictures. I found out later that the announcement I had heard was calling for the Silver Star [recipients] to move up to the front of the stage. I guess because I looked like a hot mess, nobody questioned me. I got some great shots (especially [of] Raquel Welch). It was so surreal to go from the show right back into the rice patties and jungle to continue operations. It was almost as if I had dreamed the whole thing in my sleep, because when I returned to my unit, it already felt like something that had happened in the distant past.”
— Robert, Army
Colorado, 1970s
“I was assigned to the Fitzsimons Army Medical Center [in Aurora, Colorado] in the mid 1970’s as a military policeman. I was selected to be [Bob Hope’s] escort during his visit, and spent quite a bit of time with him escorting him across post, to the chow hall, various clinics and such.
“I can tell you from personal experience that there was no one more interested in the daily lives of service members than he was! Watching him spend time with those bedridden and disabled was just amazing. I am proud to have spent a tiny sliver of my life with him during his stay at our installation. He sure made a wonderful Christmas for a lot of people at FAMC. His show at the post theatre was packed and with only standing room available before the show even started.
Hooah, Bob Hope.”
— Rick, Army
Italy, 1970
“From 1969 to 1971, my dad was stationed on the 6th Fleet flagship (CLG) in Gaeta, Italy. The USO show was conducted on an aircraft carrier anchored off the coast and the families were ferried out to the CV in utility boats for the show. The adults watched Bob Hope in the hangar and the children watched it remotely on television from the ready rooms.”
— Derek, Navy
Guam, 1972
“I was stationed on Guam during the Vietnam War. At Christmas time in 1972, we were treated to a Bob Hope show. Let me back up a little to set the background for my story. We had found a little piglet on the flight line one night during a storm. We took him back to the barracks and adopted him as a mascot. We named him Oscar. He was well behaved and we took him everywhere, including the NCO club to get a beer. He was better behaved than some of the patrons.
“We naturally took him with us to the show. Mr. Hope started to tell a joke about a pig, and we held Oscar up and he started to squeal. Hope heard and saw us and stopped his act mid-sentence. He directed the cameras to shoot us and made a comment that maybe the joke would make more sense now. We were shown on the television show back in the states and all my family and friends saw it. It gave them a few minutes of knowing that I was OK.”
— Bruce, Air Force
Germany, 1987
“I had just joined the Army [and was] single and stationed in Germany. It was the first Christmas in my life to be away from my family. My mom had died of cancer a few months before, so this was my first Christmas without my mom. I was pretty sad and lonely. And then I watch the AFN [American Forces Network] special. And I laughed. And I was proud. And I felt like troops that were cheered up by Bob Hope and his USO group performing as they had for more than 45 years, at that point. And I felt better. I did not miss my family, especially my mom, for a bit.”
— Elizabeth, Army
Yuma, 1970s
“In the early ’70’s I was stationed in Yuma, AZ, as was my good friend Dale. Dale was from [Las] Vegas so we drove up there for the weekend a few times. On one such trip, we spotted Bob walking down the sidewalk on the other side of the street, but we politely refrained from bothering him. Instead, he spotted us and recognized us as military by our haircuts. He crossed the street and approached us. We talked with him for — I dunno — 15 minutes or so.”
— Dave, Marine Corps
Vietnam, 1970
“At the end of 1970, I was a platoon leader stationed at the Da Nang Airbase. During 1970, most of the press was reporting that the troops in Vietnam no longer wanted Bob Hope to come, that he was just part of the U.S. government that they despised. As everyone became aware of the Christmas season, my Marines (19- to 20-year-olds) started asking about the expected ‘Bob Hope Show’ in Da Nang. I asked them if they still wanted Bob Hope to come. Their reply was, ‘Hell yes! Why should we be cheated out of a Bob Hope show?’ When the ticket allocations came out from MACV-Marine Corps, our unit received no tickets to attend. I had 15 Marines actually crying because we failed to get Bob Hope tickets. Another Vietnam story where the ‘press’ did not reflect the reality of what was really happening ‘in-country.'”
— Michael, Marine Corps
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