The 2nd Amendment isn’t just filler in the Constitution; it’s a safeguard against tyranny and a cornerstone of our freedom. Yet too many gun owners act like they have something to hide, afraid of being put “on a list” or judged for exercising their rights. Freedoms erode and die when good people aren’t willing to stand up for them. We can’t let that happen. We WON’T let that happen.
America vs the World
During the Cold War, the FN FAL earned the nickname “The Right Arm of the Free World.” It was adopted by more than 90 Western-aligned nations throughout the 1960s and 70s, opposite the AK-47, the rifle of choice for communist regimes like the Soviet Union, China, and much of Eastern Europe. These two rifles became more than just tools of war—they represented the larger ideological battle between democracy and communism, between NATO and the Warsaw Pact.
While most democratic countries rallied around the FN FAL, one nation stood apart: the United States. Rather than follow the crowd, America forged its own path, first issuing the M14 and later embracing the M16—a platform that has evolved over the decades and remains in service to this day, unlike the FAL.
This choice wasn’t just about rifles—it was a reflection of our national character. As Americans, we’ve never been ones to simply go along with the rest of the world. We chart our own course, often unconventional, sometimes rocky—but more often than not, the right one. Our rejection of the FN FAL in favor of the M16 wasn’t a misstep; it was a testament to that independent “pirate gene” spirit we share.
The FN FAL symbolized global resistance to communism, but the M16 has come to represent something more enduring: America’s commitment to individual liberty. The M16 platform has been called “America’s Rifle”. So if the FAL was the “Right Arm of the Free World,” then the M16—and by extension, the armed American citizen—is the “Backbone of Liberty.”
And that backbone matters now more than ever.
Just look at recent history. During the COVID-19 pandemic, or “scamdemic,” countries with weak or nonexistent gun rights—places like Australia, the UK, Canada, and China—imposed harsh lockdowns, arrested people for simply going outside, and trampled basic civil liberties. Why? Because they could. The people had no real means to resist.
But in America, things played out differently. Even the most power-hungry officials had to think twice—because here, the people are armed (and just with skeet shotguns and .22lr’s either!). This is the real power of the 2nd Amendment. It’s not about hunting or sport shooting. It’s about defending freedom, resisting tyranny, and ensuring that no government, foreign or domestic, can ever rule over us unchecked.
The “Red Dawn” Option
I was watching one of those “How Brits React” videos about what would happen if someone tried to invade the U.S. It was hilarious—and spot on.
They covered all the usual reasons why America is nearly impossible to invade:
- We spend more on our military than most other countries combined.
- We’ve got oceans on two sides of us.
- Land invasions from Canada or Mexico are difficult due to terrain.
But the best part? They started talking about the armed American public. Even the European commentators admitted:
“Forget the military… you’d have to get through the locals first.”
Check this out: Brits react to what Happens if Someone Invades the US
And another: European Reacts to The US vs The World – Who Would Win?
The reality is if a foreign army invaded, they’d face the most well-armed, well trained civilian population in modern history: millions of patriots ready to go full on Red Dawn.
We don’t just own guns. We train with them. We compete with them. We own body armor, night vision, and other force multipliers. America has 3.7 million veterans of our 20+ years of GWOT with real-world experience. I wrote a post about this a while back called “Martial America” which examines America’s unique warrior culture. America’s civilian gun owners are a force to be reckoned with, period.
I’m proud to be an armed American that trains regularly and is ready to resist a foreign invader or even domestic tyranny. All that said, why would some of us want to hide in the shadows and act as though we are second class citizens?
Stop Hiding—Start Standing
It always rubs me the wrong way when I see comments like this on forums and blog posts:
Look, I get it. Privacy matters. I use a commercial mailbox instead of my home address for my mail, and de-Googled phone (Graphene OS) for that exact reason. Personal security and privacy is important. But let’s get real, when it comes to gun ownership if you watch gun content online, post on forums, or even like a meme about 2A on social media—you’re already on a list.
You could take Edward Snowden levels of precaution when buying guns or ammunition – always paying cash, hiding your face and burning your clothes after each transaction so there is no DNA evidence.. But why?
You aren’t doing anything illegal or even morally wrong! You are exercising your 2nd Amendment in America. Do it PROUDLY!
When I see gun owners acting like scared little sheep who are worried about “being put on a list”, I want to shake them and say:
“No! That’s the exact opposite of what our country needs. We need gun owners to be MORE visible, not LESS.”
We need to be examples for others, especially the next generation. Firearm ownership needs to become the expected “default behavior” in our society. We are doing the hard work of training and staying alert every day so crime doesn’t spread in our community. We shouldn’t be seen as the outlier – we should be the standard to aspire to.
On the flip side, those that shirk the responsibility of gun ownership are the weird ones and should be called out for not taking their own safety (or that of their family) seriously – instead leaving it up to chance, the police, or a ccw holder like myself to save them. This “victim” mentality is the opposite of everything our country stands for. In fact, this type of behavior should not only be frowned upon, it should be mocked. We are a country of strong, self sufficient men and women, not helpless victims.
We’re Not in Soviet Russia
Too many people in the gun community behave like we’re living in Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany, afraid of their door getting kicked in during the middle of the night. Let’s be honest, if that ever happened here, I’d hope—no, I’d expect—millions of armed Americans to pick up their guns and use them for what they were designed for. That’s the whole point of the Second Amendment and why we own guns in the first place.
The single greatest mission for armed American citizens is to stand against tyranny.
Embrace the Gun Culture
Even if you live in a gun-unfriendly state like California, don’t hide. Don’t whisper. You are part of a community with millions of other gun owners. Stand out! Be the one who shows others that gun culture is alive, well, and thriving. Invite friends to the range. Teach your kids to shoot. Share knowledge and skills. Be proud!
Gun ownership is not something to be ashamed of. It’s something to celebrate. Freedom only survives when we stand up for it. That means being visible, vocal, and unafraid.
So let’s stop living in the shadows.
Let’s remind the world exactly why America is still the land of the free. We are here, we are armed, and we will not be silenced. We are the “Backbone of Liberty!”
Read the full article here